

Vibe Check is a new way to discover and explore locations, offering unique and immersive experiences for users. Unlike other location-based apps, Vibe Check is all about community and connection. Our app offers a photo-centric, community-driven approach, so you can see exactly what each place has to offer, straight from the people who've been there.

React Native
Machine Learning
VibeCheck Logo


Vibe Check is a new way to discover and explore locations, offering unique and immersive experiences for users. Unlike other location-based apps, Vibe Check is all about community and connection. Our app offers a photo-centric, community-driven approach, so you can see exactly what each place has to offer, straight from the people who’ve been there.

Installing / Getting started

To install all packages to run VibeCheck, run the following command:

yarn install

Environment Variables

Environment Variables containing the specifications for the Firebase and Expo configuration are required in order to start the app and/or run any tests. This can be done by creating and populating a .env file with this configuration in the following manner:

# Replace XXXX's with Firebase and Expo config keys

After creating the file, you may need to run

source .env

After installing run this to start the app

yarn expo start

NOTE: If you’re not using the same network on your phone as your computer you should run this instead.

yarn expo start --tunnel

You may need to download ngrok which you can find instructions to download this here

Next you should download the Expo Go app from the App Store or Google Play Store Last, scan the QR code to display the app on your phone.


To set up local development, first clone the repo and run :

yarn install

While that is running, create a Expo account and Firebase account and ask the team member to add you onto the projects.

To start the project locally:

yarn expo start

NOTE: If you’re not using the same network on your phone as your computer you should run this instead.

yarn expo start --tunnel

You may need to download ngrok which you can find instructions to download this here

We organized our branching into features and pages. For example, developers working on implementing user functions worked on the feature/userFunctions branch. For our database, we are using Firebase (^9.17.1). For code style, our team is utilizing ESLint, Prettier, and Husky. You can check code style by running the following command:

yarn lint

You can run the tests by running the following command:

yarn test
