Hello, my name is Aayush Gandhi

Driving Innovation in Technology, Software and Engineering

Software Engineer
Aayush Gandhi smiling in a red plaid shirt and tortoise shell glasses

Software Development and Security Protocols

At CraniUS LLC, I developed and implemented automated scanning tools to identify software vulnerabilities, resulting in the discovery of critical and high CVSS score vulnerabilities. I also possess an issued patent (US-11837356-B1) for my innovative work in medical device communication and security protocols. With expertise in secure connections, payload delivery, and integrating software into CI/CD processes, I have a strong foundation in software development and security protocols.

Research and Development

As an Undergraduate Research Assistant at the Centre For Nanomedicine, I contributed to the development of antibiotic-eluting sutures, conducting trials to improve their characteristics. Additionally, I possess two provisional patents for my innovative work in the field of medical device communication and security protocols. I also played a key role in creating a portable version of the Humphrey visual field analyzer test, collaborating with medical professionals for validation. With my research and development skills in biomedical engineering, I have the ability to innovate and adapt in the field.

Web Development, Marketing, and SEO

During my internships at Incoggo and SurvivingBreastCancer.org Inc., I excelled in web development, marketing, and SEO. I completed website landing pages with animations and database design, while also implementing sales optimization strategies resulting in lead generation and successful outreach campaigns. I possess two provisional patents for my innovative work in medical device communication and security protocols. By implementing SEO infrastructure, I improved page indexing visibility and load time. My diverse skill set in web development, marketing, and SEO enables me to enhance online presence and user experience.

Selected Work

Take a look below at some of my featured work from the past few years.